Fluree/Enterprise Knowledge

Semantic Layer Accelerator

Fluree and Enterprise Knowledge are providing a semantic data layer accelerator program. We’ll meet you wherever you are in your semantic data journey and show value in 60-90 days.

  • Quick win to show semantic value

  • Rapid prototype development

  • Tailored to your business need

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Quick Wins to Show Semantic Value

Stage 1: Naming

Agree on Conventions

Result: Quick-win selection of industry ontology that best meets needs.

  • Taxonomy Management software
  • Semantic modeling software
  • Industry Ontologies (Github)
Stage 2: Finding

Finding: Data Inventory Management

Result: Quick Semantic Catalog or Data Marketplace prototype.

  • Automated Data Discovery, Tagging and Categorization
  • Semantic Data Catalogs
Stage 3: Shaping

Shaping: Data Product Creation

Result: Prototype of Semantic Data Products driven by ontology.

  • Reference Data Normalization
  • Entity Resolution & Data Deduplication
Stage 4: Controlling

Establish Quality and Access Control

Result: Semantic Security Policy Management prototype.

  • Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL)
  • Semantic Policy Management
  • Smart Contracts
  • Relationship Based Access Control
Stage 5: Operating

Digital Transformation and Application Modernization

Result: App rationalization prototype – re-wire one app to read/write data semantically.

  • JSON Linked Data (JSON-LD)
  • Query as API (API Simplification)
Foundations: Semantic Data Layer Webinar

A Practical Approach to Implementing Semantic Data Layers

On-Demand Webinar Featuring Enterprise Knowledge

Whether you’re new to the concept of semantic data layers or seeking to refine your existing strategies, this webinar will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed for successful implementation.

Let’s Talk.

Looking to show value in 60 – 90 days? Reach out to see if our Semantic Data Layer Accelerator is right for you!

Talk to an Expert